Creating a great place to work through mindfulness...

Creating a great place to work through mindfulness

| Business Leadership

Creating a great place to work through mindfulness

If there’s one thing we all took for granted was the very physical reality of the workplace. Post-COVID-19, however, remote working has become more commonplace. In one fell swoop, the physical workplace was all but wiped out.

Remote working can be a challenge depending on how you manage your work and the workplace policies you’re operating under. A well-functioning workplace, however, with a healthy corporate culture tends to be a great place to work, regardless of where you’re working from.

I have to admit that despite being a mindfulness practitioner, the sudden shift to remote working left me feeling a little lost in the beginning. I had to organise myself and come to terms with the ‘new normal’. Fortunately, a couple of weeks into quarantine, my team and I found our rhythm and became accustomed to working from home without losing the essence of what made our workplace great.

We would have a regular catch-up call, where we would chat about work, how we were coping at the time, tips on working from home, and our lives. Recently, when the conversation began to meander, one of my coworkers remarked: “All we’re missing is the water cooler at work.” This was met with plenty of laughter.

He was right, though. While our physical workplace had changed, team dynamics had not. The challenges that did arise were tackled in healthy and meaningful ways and the experience actually brought us closer together.

My goal, during this time, was to retain the sense that our organisation is a great place to work. This is where our secret to success comes in, and that’s mindfulness.

Mindfulness improves teamwork

Studies conducted to assess the impact of collective mindfulness have found that practising mindfulness by focussing your attention on the present, processing information in a non-judgmental way, and the open-minded collection and understanding of information reduces emotional and reflexive responses. This allows teams to prosper regardless of their differences.

Employee dynamic is important because your workforce is what drives business success and growth. The overwhelmingly positive impact mindfulness can have on the formation of these dynamics can completely alter your business’ trajectory, creating a great place to work, whether that place is the office or the home.

Mindfulness will also help your teams foster open-minded problem-solving, improve dispute-resolution, and boost their levels of motivation.

A happy place to work is a great place to work

Many of my employees have shared in our team catch-ups, and to me directly, how glad they are to be working at this time. Recently, one of my longstanding employees told me “I know how horrible work from home can be for some, but I’ve managed to maintain my routine. Having you guys has made this switch easier.”

“With better snack breaks?” I asked, “Yes, and more frequent as well!” she responded.

Mindfulness is a breeding ground for employee happiness and satisfaction because it facilitates more meaningful relationships between people. This unquestionably leads to a great place to work because people are more authentic and connect with each other more deeply.

Creating a great place to work with Awakened Mind

Awakened Mind is one of the most technologically advanced mindfulness apps on the market and is specifically designed to boost mindfulness in the workplace. Our features include:

  • Neurosync™ uses sound technology to entrain your brainwaves and effortlessly put you in the state of mind you seek. This feature helps you overcome challenges associated with sleeping, stress, chronic pain, and poor mental health.

Corporate mindfulness is increasingly becoming a priority among industry leaders and that’s because it works. Experience the positive effects of mindfulness and create a great place to work by signing up on our website,

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