How does the golden rule affect workplace productivity?...

How does the golden rule affect workplace productivity?

| Business Leadership

How does the golden rule affect workplace productivity?

The golden rule is more than just something you repeat to your children to make them behave how you want them to. It is a guiding principle rooted in fundamental human morality.

The moral grounding of our society is centred on how we interact with each other. Learning how to interact with each other may seem straightforward enough, but this is often not the case.

Learning how to treat each other and manage our interactions can mean the difference between conflict and longstanding interpersonal relationships.

That’s why the golden rule has gained so much ground in a variety of industries, contexts, and beliefs. Whether it’s in medicine, philosophy, politics, human relationships or any casual interaction we have with each other in our daily lives, the golden rule persists.

What is the golden rule?

The golden rule comes down to empathy.

No matter what context you may have heard the phrase in, there is no doubt that you are familiar with the spirit of it. The most common phrasing of the golden rule is as follows: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.

You may have also heard, treat people the way you want to be treated.

This is often considered common-sense ethics and is part of widespread ethical codes of conduct. While this doesn’t need to be repeated, the lack of follow-through we see in society demands its re-examination.

That said, the status of the golden rule is cemented by its accessibility. There is no context within which it would not be relevant or applicable.

What is the relationship between the golden rule and workplace productivity?

The golden rule is a guiding principle to all, no matter how young or old they may be.

This means that the golden rule is omnipresent in every interaction between people. This also means that wherever people interact the most is also where the golden rule should be practiced in full force.

One place that springs to mind is the workplace. The way the modern workday operates, and the daily schedules people stick to, it means that the majority of a weekday is spent in the workplace.

Practicing the golden rule in these spaces can have several, interwoven benefits.

Workplace productivity happens to be one of the spillover effects of practicing the golden rule within the workplace. Here’s why.

The golden rule, as discussed previously, is at the root of empathy.

When empathy is practiced in the workplace, it displays a deep respect for coworkers or team members. Empathy shows people that you care, instead of simply sticking to rules and regulations in all your interactions.

Empathetic leadership and work personalities can build stronger teams, increase productivity, morale, and loyalty. These are qualities that create a happier work environment and more engaged workers. When an employee is more engaged and happier in their workplace and role, their workplace productivity increases.

The golden rule and workplace productivity in unconventional workspaces

When COVID-19 hit, workplaces immediately took precautions to curb the spread of the disease and to protect themselves, their workers, and their communities. This meant that the workplace took a turn towards digitalisation.

As a result of the global pandemic, digitalisation meant more than simply buying more technology in a bid to fuel business growth. Technology had to take on a more practical, hands-on role in everyday business practices that get taken for granted.

Remote working conditions and work from home operations created distance between company processes and employees. The digital field had to bridge the gap that was created in the wake of these unconventional workspaces.

The toll of these unprecedented circumstances created a strain on physical and mental health. This strain made the golden rule all the more important in the workplace.

The empathy that the golden rule promotes and nurtures creates safer spaces. A safe space for a workplace is one in which a worker feels valued, protected, and healthy.

A workplace that provides this kind of safety is a healthier space for everyone.

This is especially true during times of global uncertainty such as the COVID-19 pandemic. When times are tough, workplace productivity naturally declines. Practicing the golden rule can, however, change this trajectory. A workplace that prioritises empathy is more resilient during a crisis because it has the hands-on support of its workforce.

The resources that boost workplace productivity through the power of empathy

Mindfulness may seem like a complete solution for any number of circumstances. That’s because it is. Through mindfulness, you train your mind to help you become your best self—from the inside out.

Empathy, and the emotional intelligence that accompanies it, will serve you well in every area of your life.

A healthy, daily mindfulness practice can help you build an empathetic view of the world. It can also help you interact in a more empathetic way with others.

Meditation and workplace productivity:

Meditation helps you build your awareness of yourself and your surroundings. When you spend a couple of minutes meditating, each day, you give yourself an opportunity to relax and unwind.

This opportunity to destress will help you face your tasks with greater precision and readiness. This improves both workplace productivity and efficiency.

Knowledge of mindfulness and workplace productivity:

An understanding of mindfulness helps you understand yourself better. It illuminates more productive ways to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing.

When you are more aware of how your mind operates, and how it can affect your daily life such as your workplace productivity, then you have better control over how you choose to manage it.

How does Awakened Mind help you build workplace productivity?

Awakened Mind is a mindfulness platform that is designed to help you engage in a healthy, sustainable mindfulness practice. Through the comprehensive resources of our mindfulness platform, we help you improve your workplace productivity in healthy, empathetic ways.

Open your organisation up to greater workplace productivity today with the features of Awakened Mind. Use the resources of our Learning Center, our library of guided meditation tracks, and Neurosync™ technology.

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